About Me

I'm a lover of life. I was once blind and now I see. My dreams are in full color now.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Baby Crack

Recently it's been hard to make dinner every night. I now have a little one under my feet or getting into something while I'm cooking. At that time Rob is home but he's usually getting his clothes and lunch ready for the next day. So, after bathtime we put on a baby praise video(or my sister in-law calls it baby crack)for Tobin so I can get some things accomplished in the kitchen. We've also found that the praise video is very soothing and slows Tobin down before bed time. Actually it kind of puts him a trance. I know TV isn't all that good for infants or children in general but it sure does come in handy say around 6pm.

I'm attaching a picture of Tobin and Grandpa Black watching baby crack. Maybe grandma should purchase a baby praise video to entertain grandpa while she's cooking dinner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, are you going to become a baby crack dealer? Because I know a potential buyer. =) But then again, I can't really leave Jonathan alone with my laptop, and that it our "tv".

I'm glad you are back to blogging. It was so fun to be able to see your adorable little guy. I look forward to visiting here often.

Oh, and I will try to call you sometime next week, if I can remember at the right time of day. Crazy time zones...