About Me

I'm a lover of life. I was once blind and now I see. My dreams are in full color now.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What a day with 3 boys looks like

Rare moments such as these.
This is usually what the living room looks like by 9am
Imagination at it's finest. The boys are along for a ride in Tobin's motor boat.
You never know who's watching you. My little detectives.
Some days we get lucky and there will be a fun truck or tractor on our block. It was a concrete truck on this fine day. We watched from the window and were invited to come and sit in the truck and honk the horn. This is one exciting day.
There's usually some painting or play dough somewhere in the day.
I'm so thankful for my days with these 3 boys. I'm so blessed.

1 comment:

Grandma Black said...

Busy boys make for a busy and tired mommy.