About Me

I'm a lover of life. I was once blind and now I see. My dreams are in full color now.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Popsicle Fun

I've been trying to perfect home-made popsicles. The first batch was a flop but it was good practice for the boys. You see, they have no idea how to eat a popsicle. I never thought about it before but eating a popsicle is a learned skill-I guess. The first popsicle that was ever handed to Tobin, he threw into the pool, thinking it was a pool toy. The other day when I handed them the homemade, orange popsicles they both held them upside down and stuck their tongues out like they were catching snowflakes, to lick.
After the tart, orange popsicles we tried to make some more yummy, fun. The boys helped me make some pudding pops. To be fancy we used food coloring to make rainbow, pudding pops. Tobin was way over dressed for the occasion.
The Finished Product
Pleased with the outcome.


Kirsten said...

I particularly like Tobin's "popsicle making costume." What a fun thing to do with your kiddos!

Grandma Black said...

Glad you found a recipe that the boys liked...looks like fun!